Brooklyn Botanic Garden as Neptune's World Aquarium (exterior)
Jessica runs out with the panicing crowd after the aquarium is flooded.
Trish's use of the inhaler leads her to make reckless decisions while Jessica crosses some lines while searching for the mysterious woman and the doctor from her past.
Jessica Jones episode “AKA Facetime” was filmed in New York in the United States of America.
Jessica runs out with the panicing crowd after the aquarium is flooded.
After the doctor and the woman manage to escape, Jessica returns with Trish to watch security footage from a nearby pawn shop.
Trish walks down the street while high on the inhaler and looks for someone up to no good.
Malcolm "runs into" an old flame from college and manages to steal her ID.
Jessica is forced to sneak onto the golf course to talk with Justis Ambrose after she and Trish are turned away.
The doctor prepares some drugs and later Jessica arrives and searches the house.
Jessica waits for Justis Ambrose's son outside his apartment and uses him to force his father into telling her what she wants to know.