
“Mistress - New - Mistress” Filming Locations

Emerald City episode “Mistress - New - Mistress” was filmed in Almería, Seville, Barcelona, & Granada in Spain and Etyek & Budapest in Hungary.

Valle Escondido as Yellow Brick Road through Valley

Dorothy and Lucas come upon a carnival troupe traveling the road and hitch a ride but are forced to flee when they Wizard's Guard comes searching.

Castillo de La Calahorra as Witch of the East's Keep (exterior)

Dorothy and Lucas arrive outside the Witch of the East's keep and encounter a guard who lets them inside after seeing the devices on Dorothy's hands.

Adria Palace as H. Baumgarten Herbalist & Apothecary

Tip and Jack visit a herbalist to get more of Tip's medicine but learn the truth of its effects.