Movies Filmed at Playa de los Genoveses
Playa de los Genoveses, Spain
Part of Parque Natural de Cabo de Gata-Níjar
This long sandy beach with calm, shallow water is located with the Cabo de Gato natural park and features no surrounding development to spoils the views, allowing for 360-degree filming of the ocean and surrounding mountains.
Nearby Locations
Calle Cuevars, 55
from The Limits of Control
Farm of Cam. del Romeral from Queen of Swords
Valle Escondido from Emerald City
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1.4 km
Farm of Cam. del Romeral from Queen of Swords
1.6 km
Valle Escondido from Emerald City
2.7 km
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Curro Jiménez
Source: IMDb