Nassau County Correctional Center as Moretti's Prison
Carter talks to Gianni Moretti when he is released from prisoner offering him her protection.
Finch and Reese take care of a little baby who is in danger while Carter attempts to protect Moretti and get him to help her catch Elias.
Person of Interest episode “Baby Blue” was filmed in New York in the United States of America.
Carter talks to Gianni Moretti when he is released from prisoner offering him her protection.
Finch goes to investigate they new Number only to find it is a baby, which he then proceeds to kidnap.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Carter and Reese follow Gianni Moretti's car down a remote road.
Some of Elias's crew set up a trap to capture Moretti but are stopped by Carter and Reese.
Carter puts Moretti into a safe house defended by Detective Szymanski.
Source: NYC Permits List
Mary Abbot calls Carter from her car to tell her about Leila Smith's silver bracelet.
Source: NYC Permits List
Finch and Reese go the park with their 'borrow' baby and talk to Carter.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Finch heads to the home of the baby's grandparents to learn about their daughter.
Source: NYC Permits List
Reese follows Bradley Petrosian to a coffee shop where he meets with his boyfriend.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Reese goes to the safe house where he put the Cruz family only to find the bad guys had gotten there first.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Reese heads to a criminal hangout to kindly asks some questions.
Source: NYC Permits List
Reese meets with Elias to ask for his help finding the baby.
Scarface drops off Reese after his meeting with Elias under the bride.
Reese goes to interrupt the baby exchange between the two criminal groups.