Blieberger Farm as Vietnam Jungle
A young Skinner is tasked with transporting a mysterious crate during the Vietnam war.
Skinner goes missing sending Mulder and Scully on an investigation into his past during the Vietnam war.
The X-Files episode “Kitten” was filmed in Delta & Langley in Canada.
A young Skinner is tasked with transporting a mysterious crate during the Vietnam war.
Mulder and Scully discuss their increasing unease with Skinner while driving into town.
An odd begger talks to Mulder about a Kitten while they are entering the morgue.
Scully and Mulder leave the police station and Mulder remembers the homeless man he encountered earlier.
Source: Agoodwoman7 — Twitter via What's Filming
A pair of individuals load a crate of chemicals into a small plane.