
“Pilot” Filming Locations

Five years after their strange disappearance, Michaela and the other passengers arrive home and begin to realize their strange disappearance may serve a greater purpose.

Manifest pilot episode was filmed in New York in the United States of America.

USGlobal Airways (SWF) as Stewart Airport

The airplane is diverted to a more remote airport where they are met and surrounded by government officials.

81-14 218th Street as Stone House

Grace sets up a room for Michaela in the basement and later she tells Ben about the voice she heard.

John Jay College of Criminal Justice as Edward Koch School of Medicine

Ben and Grace take Cal in for tests and then his oncologist tells them about a promising new treatment option. Later, Saanvi is welcomed back to work and learns that her research is now helping children.

Columbus Circle as Columbus Circle

Ben and Grace are out with Cal and Grace tells Ben about what has been going on with Olive in his absence.

Queensbridge Park as Queensbridge Park

Michaela jogs down along the river in the evening.

Lot at 26th Avenue & 3rd STreet as Garrison Metalworks

Michaela is jogging when she hears a voice telling her to "Free Them" as she passes two dogs locked behind a fence.

Hunter's Point South Park as Soccer Field

Ben watches Olive at soccer practice and apologizes for giving her less time than Cal before the disappearance.

Li'l Jay's Cafe as Cafe

Bill Daly is reading the newspaper in the evening when he hears the calling.