
Movies Filmed at Liberty Park

589 S 1300 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84105, USA
Nearby Locations
Liberty Park from The Sandlot
26 m

Cafe Rio Mexican Grill from If Not Love
1.7 km

East High School from High School Musical 2 and 2 other movies.
1.7 km

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Andi Mack


Andi, Bex, and Bowie go out for ice cream in episode 2x05 “The Snorpion”. Andi interrogates Bowie about his new girlfriend and asks to meet her and later Cyrus bonds with TJ and reintroduces him to the joy of swinging in episode 2x11 “Miniature Gulf”.

Appears in 3 additional episodes.
Also appears in “13”, “Outside the Box”, & “It's Not About You”.