
Movies Filmed at Mt. Pleasant Justice Court

1 Town Hall Plaza, Valhalla, NY 10595, USA
Nearby Locations
Westchester County Correction from Person of Interest and 1 other movie.
3.0 km

TierPoint Westchester from Person of Interest
3.3 km

Bedford Road (near Rockefeller Preserve) from Person of Interest
3.8 km

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The Sinner

Dorchester Police Department

Mason heads to the police station to visit Cora but decides to leave instead of going inside in episode 1x01 “Part I”.

Somerset County Courthouse

Cora tries to enter a guilty plea in court but the judge decides she needs to undergo a competency interview in episode 1x02 “Part II”. Cora returns to court and after some indecision she sees her parents watching and decides to enter a guilty plea in episode 1x03 “Part III”.