Ant-Man and the Wasp Filming Locations
Hope and her father recruit Scott again to help with an ambitious plan to rescue her mother from the Quantum Realm but they find themselves hunted by zealous FBI agents, a group of tech thieves, and a woman who can pass through solid matter.
See also: Ant-Man & Quantumania.
Ant-Man and the Wasp was filmed in Atlanta, San Francisco, Savannah, Oakland, & Honolulu in the United States of America.
1400 18th Street as Scott's Home
Scott is confined to his home during his house arrest but tries to make the most of it by playing an elaborate game with Cassie.
Source: MCU Location Scout
Broad Street Northwest & Walton Street Northwest as Intersection
A pigeon attacks the shrunken car containing Scott and Hope until it is driven off by a garbage truck which drives overhead.
Parking Lot #69 (at 15th & Harrison) as Hank & Hope's Lab
Hope takes Scott to the building where they have been hiding out and when they leave Hank shrinks the building down and wheels it away.
Source: MCU Location Scout
Atlanta-Fulton Public Library as Garage
Hank and Scott wait in the garage while Hope goes inside to meet with Sonny Burch.
Southern Exchange Ballrooms as Oui
Hope meets with her tech supplier Sonny Burch to acquire the part needed to get the Quantum Tunnel working.
Source: MCU Location Scout
76 Peachtree Street Southwest as X-Con Security Consultants
Sonny Burch and his goons follow Ghost outside to find the tires on their SUV slashed.
Source: MCU Location Scout
22 Woodlane Drive as Ava's Home
Sather Gate (Berkeley) as UC Berkeley
Scott comments on their terrible disguises while heading to visit Hank's old colleague Bill Foster with him and Hope.
Source: MCU Location Scout
Goodrich C. White Hall (Emory University) as UC Berkeley Hall
Hank asks for Bill Foster's help in tracking the lab but they are forced to run when Agent Woo arrives tracking them.
Samuel M. Inman Middle School as Brookemont Elementary School
Scott and Hope sneak into Cassie's school to steal the old suit that Scott stashed inside his trophy.
Source: MCU Location Scout
840 Clemont Drive Northeast as Maggie's House
Scott gets a video chat from Cassie who is looking for her shoes. Later, Scott picks up Cassie for a day out after getting his ankle monitor removed.
Source: MCU Location Scout
18th Street (between Connecticut & Missouri) as Street
In Luis's drugged retelling, Hope learns about Scott's visit to Berlin while walking up the street.
270 Peachtree Street Northwest as FBI Field Office
Agent Stoltz approaches Agent Woo with the information Sonny Burch gave him on the location of the lab. Later, Hank sneaks out of the FBI office disguised as an agent with a miniaturized Hope flying nearby.
Source: MCU Location Scout
Alley (south of Alabama, west of Pryor) as Alley behind X-Con Security Consultants
Luis calls to warn Scott about Sonny Burch learning his location.
Muir Woods National Monument as Muir Woods
The FBI find their way to the lab hidden in the woods and arrest Hope and her father.
Source: MCU Location Scout
Filbert Street (between Jones & Taylor) as Arrow above Street
The gang follows an arrow made of ants through the city to the lab's new hiding place.
Source: MCU Location Scout
Norfolk Southern as Ambush
The team tracks down the stolen lab and sets an ambush to recover the lab from Bill and Ava.
Montgomery Street (between Green & Vallejo) as Hill
Sonny Burch's SUVs pursue Hope's van down the hill.
Montgomery Street (between Broadway & Pacific) as Street
Hope shrinks the van down causing one of the pursuing vehicles to crash into a parked car.
California Street & Jones Street as Intersection
Hope flips one of the pursuers over by enlarging her van underneath them.
Lombard Street (between Hyde & Leavenworth) as Lombard Street
Hope shrinks the van just before hitting the steep street causing two of the pursing vehicles to crash.
Mitchell Street Southwest (between Ted Turner & Forsyth) as Stan Lee
A strange man watches as his car shrinks in front of his eyes.
Trinity Avenue Southwest (between Peachtree & Pryor) as Stealing Motorcycle
Ghost dives through the air and steals a motorcycle from one of Sonny Burch's goons.
Martin Luther King Jr. Drive Southwest & Central Avenue Southwest as Street Corner
Hope enlarges a Pez dispenser while throwing it at one of the pursuers on a motorcycle.
Mitchell Street Southwest (between Pryor & Central) as Street
Ghost catches up to the van and phases through the windshield knocking Hope outside.
Wall Street Southwest (between Pryor & Central) as Street
Scott leaves the crashed van behind and zips off on an ant while Luis locates a new car to escape.
Peachtree Street (between M.L.K. & Alabama) as Street
Hope lands on the back of the flatbed truck as Scott rides on the front.
Pryor Street Southwest (between M.L.K. & Alabama) as Street
Ava knocks Hope off the back of the flatbed truck and then falls off herself.
Peachtree Street (between Andrew Young International & Ellis) as Street
An enlarged Scott grinds his feet into the ground to bring the truck to a stop.
Source: MCU Location Scout
Bush Street & Mason Street as Bush & Mason
Scott turns the truck around and uses it to skate down the hill.
Filbert Street & Jones Street as Bottom of Hill
Luis shrinks down to cause a pursuing car to crash and then enlarges and drives off.
Forsyth Street Northwest (between Alabama & Marietta) as Street
An enlarged Scott skates up next to Sonny Burch's SUV and knocks the gun from the hands of one of the goons.
Forsyth Street Northwest (between Marietta & Walton) as Narrow Alley
An enlarged Scott kicks Sonny Burch's gilded SUV causing it to crash but then loses him when he ducks into a narrow alley.
Source: MCU Location Scout
Taylor Street (between Jefferson & Beach) as End of Alley
Sonny Burch emerges from the alley with the shrunken lab and sees the pier in the distance.
Pier 43 as Pier 43
Scott spots Sonny Burch escaping on a whale-watching boat and has trouble finding an ant to help him follow.
Jackson Street & Laguna Street as Intersection
Agent Woo's SUV turns the corner and heads towards where the Ant-Man suit was reported.
Broadway & Laguna Street as Broadway & Laguna
Scott leaves the enlarged suit leaning against a building to distract Agent Woo and the other pursuers.
Source: MCU Location Scout
Kahana Bay Beach Park as Getaway
Hank and Janet set up their old home on a remote beach for a much deserved vacation.
Source: MCU Location Scout
Vallejo Street (between Montgomery & Sansome) as Hill
Sonny Burch and his goons race down the hill after the lab.
Alley (south of East River, west of Lincoln) as Argentina Market
Deleted Scene
Source: MCU Location Scout
East Saint Julian Street (between Drayton & Abercorn) as Argentina Street
Deleted Scene
Source: MCU Location Scout