Dover Castle as Hydra Facility (interior)
Iron Man downloads the Hydra files with Captain America captures Baron Strucker.
Source: Credits
The Avengers must face off against an enemy of their own making.
See also: The Avengers, Infinity War, & Endgame.
Avengers: Age of Ultron was filmed in London, Camberley, & Norwich in the United Kingdom, Seoul in South Korea, and Johannesburg in South Africa as well as in Italy & Bangladesh.
Iron Man downloads the Hydra files with Captain America captures Baron Strucker.
Source: Credits
The Avengers fight through the woods on their way to the Hydra facility.
Hawkeye attempts to destroy a Hydra bunker during their assault.
Source: getHampshire
Iron Man eliminates guards surrounding the Hydra Facility and eventually brings down the facility's shield.
The Avengers work to defeat Ultron's drones and evacuate the townspeople when the helicarrier arrives.
Citizens of Sokovia do not react kindly to the Iron Legion drones landing in their town.
The Avengers travel to a ship breaking yard where Ultron is meeting with an arms dealer.
Ultron meets with the weapons dealer Ulysses Klaue but is interrupted by the Avengers.
Source: IMDb
Black Widow has a vision of her time in the Red Room.
Captain America has a vision of Peggy Carter at a post-war dance.
Iron Man attempts to trap The Hulk in a cage but he manages to break free.
The Hulk and Iron Man in the Hulkbuster suit fight in a square.
Iron Man and the Hulk smash their way through a mall.
Source: GamesRadar
The Hulk lies in the ruins of a building under construction and turns back into Bruce Banner.
The Avengers head to Clint Barton's secret farm to rest. The farmhouse and barn were constructed for the film.
Source: IMDb
Ultron goes to Helen Cho's lab and brainwashes her to construct a body for him.
Dr. Cho returns to her lab only to find Ultron waiting for her.
Source: GamesRadar
Thor seeks out Erik Selvig for some help finding answers about his vision.
Captain America jumps off a ramp and onto the back of Ultron's truck.
Captain America hangs onto the truck by the broken door as it crosses the bridge into the city.
The Quinjet flies through a building on its way to drop off Black Widow.
Black Widow grabs Captain America's shield from the ground.
Black Widow drives around the corner and into a small street.
Black Widow throws Captain America his shield to help in his fight against Ultron.
Source: VisitKorea
Black Widow rides up a pedestrian bridge in an attempt to catch up with Ultron's truck.
Source: VisitKorea
Black Widow catches up with the truck where Captain America and Ultron are fighting.
The runaway train crashes through a market alley.
Scarlet Witch's power convinces people to leave their apartments.
Refugees stream over a bridge out of town.
Source: Atlas of Wonders
Hawkeye and Scarlet Witch fight off Ultron's drones on a bridge that ends up breaking in half.
Quicksilver runs through town and spots some of Ultron's drones crawling up from under the ground.
Source: Atlas of Wonders
Quicksilver smashes through a line of drones that are emerging from underneath cars.
Scarlet Witch and Hawkeye defend a group of civilians from Ultron's robots.
The Avengers set up their new headquarters in upstate New York at the end of the film.
Black Widow talks to Fury and later Captain America.
Source: RadioTimes