Public Restaurant as Niku Restaurant
Luke tries to attack Kilgrave as he is leaving with Albert but is quickly controlled.
Luke and Jessica work together to track down Kilgrave by investigating the suppliers of the chemicals he is getting so Albert can develop a serum to enhance his abilities.
Jessica Jones episode “AKA Take a Bloody Number” was filmed in New York in the United States of America.
Luke tries to attack Kilgrave as he is leaving with Albert but is quickly controlled.
Jessica and Luke head to a nightclub where Kilgrave was seen using his powers on a large group of people only to find him waiting for them.
Source: Derekaman — Reddit
Jessica is leaving with Luke when she sees Malcolm preparing to leave town.
Jessica questions a scientist about Kilgrave at a lab producing the chemicals Albert needs for his research.
Luke and Jessica stake out Zalk Biochemical Technologies from a nearby rooftop and she asks about his experience with Kilgrave
Jessica and Luke follow Kilgrave's courier down the street.
Jessica leaves Luke when she follows the courier into Central Park.
Jessica follows the courier near the fountain but he impales himself on some garden sheers before she can stop him.
Kilgrave motivates his father using a blender to speed up his research into how to expand the powers.
Malcolm returns to show Robyn where her brother's body was dumped.
Jessica stops Luke from killing some police officers.
Source: On Location Vacations