Brooklyn Bridge Station as Subway Station
Root attempts to follow Greer through the subway but gets thwarted by his countermeasures.
The team works against corruption in the United Nations to a help a woman trying to get a colleague into the country from Iraq.
Person of Interest episode “Allegiance” was filmed in New York in the United States of America.
Root attempts to follow Greer through the subway but gets thwarted by his countermeasures.
Shaw and Reese watch Maria Martinez as she gets a package from Jamal Risha.
Source: NYC Permits List
The team tracks Maria Martinez to the United Nations where she places a GPS tracker on a delegate's car.
Shaw follows Maria Martinez into a UN function where she hands over evidence to Rene LaPointe.
Finch and Reese meet with Rene LaPointe and they ask about Omar Risha's application.
Shaw saves Maria Martinez from someone who tries to attack her in the elevator.
Finch watches Omar Risha being transported to be deported when Reese hijacks the transport van.
Maria Martinez heads into the United Nations and later Team Machine follows to rescue her.
Maria Martinez and Omar Risha are having dinner when Fusco gives Omar his immigration approval.
Root walks Bear in the park and watches Greer meet with Ken Davis.
Ken Davis talks to Greer in the park and is then kidnapped by Decima agents.