“Beta” Filming Locations
The team finds themselves being pursued by Decima agents as Samaritan spies on the city and Greer makes a move to track down Finch.
Person of Interest episode “Beta” was filmed in New York & New Rochelle in the United States of America.
44th Avenue (between 22nd & 23rd) as Root in Alley
Root pulls Reese and Shaw into an alley to avoid a Decima team.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
43-01 22nd Street as Camera in Hallway
The team heads down a hallway to evade Samaritan but they have to turn aside when they come upon a camera.
Coffey Street Studios as Decima Warehouse
Greer runs the beta test and later Reese and Shaw get out of a taxi's trunk and search the building.
Antovel-Gelberg Painting Corp. as Exiting Warehouse
Root, Shaw, and Reese leave the warehouse and stay against the wall to avoid cameras.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
45th Avenue & 23rd Street as Avoiding Intersection Camera
Reese, Shaw, and Root wait at an intersection to avoid a camera when the Machine calls with a Number.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
St. Patrick's Old Cathedral as Harold's Grave
Samaritan observes Grace Hendricks at Harold Martin's grave.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
9 Washington Square North as Grace Hendricks's House
Reese saves Grace Hendricks from Samaritan kidnappers.
Blue & White Foods as 8th Precinct (garage)
The police convoy escorting Grace Hendricks leaves the precinct.
Hunter Street & 43rd Avenue as Leaving Police Convoy
The team's car turns away from the rest of the police convoy.
44th Road & Crescent Street as Car Crash
A Decima vehicle crashes into the team's car and kidnaps Grace Hendricks.
Pelham Bay Diner as Plainfield Diner
Reese, Shaw, and Root stop at a diner in New Jersey to plan their next move away from Samaritan's watchful eye.
Source: NYC Permits List
84 Hudson Avenue as Warehouse
Grace is taken to a warehouse where Greer interrogates her.
Source: NYC Permits List
Pier 8 (Red Hook Container Terminal) as Container Port
The team heads to the container port where Grace Hendricks was transported and search a ship.
Coffey Street (between Ferris & Conover) as Water Street
Decima agents pull over the team's car only to find it driven by a homeless man.
Source: NYC Permits List
Glen Island Bridge as Jefferson Bridge
The team exchanges Finch for Grace Hendricks with the Decima team on the bridge.
51st Avenue & 21st Street as Arresting Terrorist
The FBI arrests a terrorist identified by Samaritan while Ross Garrison watches with Greer.
Coffey Street Studios as Mt. Vernon Industrial Dry Cleaning
Reese and Shaw meet up with Root and she shows them the computers she stole from the container ship.
101 Park Avenue as Empty Office
Harold is taken to an empty office building where he has a chat with Greer.