20 Bond Street as Abel Mindler's 'Suicide'
Walter Dang investigates the death of a coworker who apparently committed suicide.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
The team investigates an employee at an insurance company who is posing as a detective to investigate the death of a coworker's brother.
Person of Interest episode “Pretenders” was filmed in New York in the United States of America.
Walter Dang investigates the death of a coworker who apparently committed suicide.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Shaw takes on a temp job at the company where Walter Dang works to clone his phone.
Source: NYC Permits List
Reese follows Walter Dang as he heads uptown.
Source: NYC Permits List
Finch stays at a hotel in Hong Kong for a conference and he meets Elizabeth Bridges.
Source: NYC Permits List
Reese follows Walter Dang to Banks van Hess, boss of murder victim, where Walter gets into a lot of trouble.
Finch is walking down the street with Elizabeth Bridges when a mugger comes and steals their bags.
Reese and Shaw prevent Walter Dang from being kidnapped.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Shaw helps Walter Dang and Reese with sniper support.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Reese takes Walter Dang to an area without surveillance to meet with Shaw and Fusco and hand over the prototype weapon.
Source: NYC Permits List
Finch goes to the Armorer's offices to talk with Elias.
Reese finds Elias waiting with the stolen prototype and Elias explains his involvement in the gun trade.
Finch and Elizabeth Bridges track down the man who stole their stuff and get it back.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
The Armorer's goons kidnap Walter Dang from Fusco.
Reese saves Walter Dang during a shootout between Elias's people and the Armorer's.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Finch meets with the mugger he hired and pays him for his services.