Triborough Bridge Randall's Island Exit as I-395 Offramp
Shelly Spencer's car goes out of control when the brakes fail to work.
Reese and Fusco find themselves in the middle of the war between Dominic and Elias, Control looks into Samaritan’s activities, Root resumes her search for Shaw, and the Machine makes a powerful sacrifice.
Person of Interest episode “Asylum” was filmed in New York in the United States of America.
Shelly Spencer's car goes out of control when the brakes fail to work.
Control has Shelly Spencer taken from her car which is then blown up.
Reese and Fusco investigate the murder of several Brotherhood members in the lobby.
Reese and Fusco watch Dominic and Link talk while their people load up for an attack on Elias.
Source: NYC Permits List
Root plays a game of chicken against the Machine to get it to tell it where Shaw is located.
The Machine leads Root and Finch to an ambulance so they can pursue Shaw.
Source: NYC Permits List
Root and Finch arrive near the facility where Shaw is being held and Root digs down to a fiber optic line.
Root and Finch track Shaw to a psychiatric hospital run by Samaritan.
Reese and Fusco go to an abandoned bank and find Elias using an old pneumatic tube system to communicate.
Source: NYC Permits List
Reese and Fusco got to Elias's headquarters.