Poor Italian Ristorante as PI's
Felicity, Caitlin, and Cecile are out with Iris for her bachelorette party when one of Amunet's goons shows up looking for Caitlin.
Source: lemon_buzz — Twitter via What's Filming
The girls team up during Iris's bachelorette party after Caitlin is attacked and Killer Frost emerges.
The Flash episode “Girls Night Out” was filmed in Burnaby & Vancouver in Canada.
Felicity, Caitlin, and Cecile are out with Iris for her bachelorette party when one of Amunet's goons shows up looking for Caitlin.
Source: lemon_buzz — Twitter via What's Filming
Dibny takes the guys to his regular strip club for Barry's bachelor party.
Killer Frost is waiting to meet her contact to bring her to another world when Amunet shows up to killer her.
Source: TudoutheCorgi — Twitter via What's Filming