Longmarket Street & M59 as Bus Stop
Back in 1943, Rosa Parks is trying to board the bus when the driver, James Blake, forces her to leave and board through the rear door but drives off before she can get back inside.
The TARDIS takes the Doctor and her friends to Montgomery Alabama in 1955 where they must face off against racism as another time traveler is attempting to stop Rosa Parks from sparking the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
Doctor Who episode “Rosa” was filmed in Cape Town in South Africa.
Back in 1943, Rosa Parks is trying to board the bus when the driver, James Blake, forces her to leave and board through the rear door but drives off before she can get back inside.
Ryan attempts to help a woman on the street but is slapped by the racism of the era and the situation is defused by the timely arrival of Rosa Parks.
After being kicked out of the bar, the Doctor tries to send her friends back to the TARDIS while she investigates but they are having none of it.
Source: Doctor Who Production News
The gang scouts out the bus stop outside the department store where Rosa Parks works and later they ensure she boards the bus on the fateful night.
The Doctor and Graham surprise James Blake with a brand new bus for him to drive.
James Blake's bus drives down the street on its route before picking up Rosa Parks.
Ryan runs around the corner and finds Krasko standing in the middle of the street.
Source: closebutnocigar — Twitter
Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on the bus when the driver demands it of her and she is arrested.
Source: Doctor Who Production News