Mohonk Quarry
The Fringe team tracks David Jones to this quarry in both universes in episode #409 "Enemy of My Enemy".
Various active rock quarries north of Coquitlam.
The Fringe team tracks David Jones to this quarry in both universes in episode #409 "Enemy of My Enemy".
Where the Cylon firing squad takes the prisoners to execute them in episodes #302 "Precipice" and #303 "Exodus: Part 1".
Planet where Starbuck crashes her viper and has to hot-wire a Cylon raider to escape in episode 1x05 “You Can't Go Home Again”.
Where Roslin's team lands on Kobol while searching for the Tomb of Athena in episode 2x06 “Home: Part 1”.
Entrance to the Tomb of Athena filmed up the hill above the quarry in episode 2x07 “Home: Part 2”.
Area around the mine where Chance fights guards on the outside of a giant dump truck in episode 1x10 “Tanarak”.