Battlestar Galactica follows the last remnants of humanity on a search for Earth after a devastating attack by the Cylons. Battlestar was primarily filmed in and around Vancouver, BC. Lots of these locations were found by the folks over at Battlestar Locations.
Location of Baltar and Laura's Opera House visions first seen in episode 1x13 “Kobol's Last Gleaming: Part 2”. New footage of the Opera House is seen in episode 3x12 “Rapture”. The final bit of new footage can been seen in episode 3x19 “Crossroads: Part 1”.
Exterior of hospital where Kara Thrace (Starbuck) was held by the Cylons for studying, along with a number of pregnant women in episode 2x05 “The Farm”.
Laura Roslin goes swimming in SFU's pond in the Academic Quadrangle after learning some bad news in episodes #419 & #420 "Daybreak".
Delphi Museum of Colonial History
Helo meets Sharon here in episode #113 "Kobol's Last Gleaming: Part 2" and shoots her on the stairs.
Riverwalk Market, Caprica City
Filmed at SFU's Academic Quadrangle and Convocation Mall. The location of a conversation between Baltar and Number Six in the miniseries. Also Roslin's flashbacks from episode #213 "Epiphanies".
Clearing where the rescue team led by Starbuck finally meets up with the rebels led by Anders in episodes #220 & #221 "Lay Down Your Burdens" (part 1 & 2).
The scene of angel Six and Baltar discussing humanity's future was filmed here, disguised as NYC in episodes #419 & #420 "Daybreak". Photos available at The 13th Colony.
The original destroyed Earth the crew of the Battlestar finds in episode #410 "Revelations". Also where Kara finds her crashed viper in episode #411 "Sometimes a Great Notion".
Helo and Sharon hide under this bridge while being followed by centurions in episode #107 "Six Degrees of Separation". They then have sex in the woods next to the bridge.
The Cylons stand on this building across from the Dominion Building in episode #106 "Litmus". Also the scenes from in the abandoned building are shot in this building's parking garage.
Delphi Museum of Colonial History
The interiors of the Delphi Museum were constructed in the abandoned parking garage here for episode #113 "Kobol's Last Gleaming: Part 2" and episode #201 "Scattered".
In episode #110 "Hand of God", Six approaches the stable where Helo and Sharon were camping. This was filmed across the street from the stable at Inter River Park, just west of the soccer field.