
Movies Filmed at 900 3rd Avenue

900 3rd Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11232, USA

The central dirt-covered alley complete with fire escapes and tall industrial facades makes this building a popular filming location.

Nearby Locations
Former Yi Pin Food from Person of Interest
644 m

52 39th Street from Person of Interest
682 m

Esquire Building from Person of Interest
748 m

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Person of Interest

Computer Warehouse

Finch and Reese break into a warehouse to steal some advanced computers to augment the Machine's PS3 cluster in episode 5x02 “SNAFU”.

Machine Development [2006]

Finch works on the Machine and ends up installing the memory erasing program in episode 5x01 “B.S.O.D.”. Finch teaches morality to the Machine in episode 5x02 “SNAFU”.

Jessica Jones

CDC Lab (exterior)

Simpson shows Jessica the defunct CDC lab where they can take Kilgrave but when they return there later they are attacked by his bodyguards who manage to rescue Kilgrave in episode 1x05 “AKA The Sandwich Saved Me”. Jessica calls a department head at the University of Manchester and learns the names of Kilgrave’s parents in episode 1x09 “AKA Sin Bin”. Kilgrave escapes the building and takes control of Hogarth in episode 1x10 “AKA 1,000 Cuts”.