Alley (south of 43rd, west of 23rd) as 22nd Street Alley
Reese fights with several Samaritan operatives after they follow him into an alley.
Finch works to save the Machine while Root & Reese evade Samaritan and Fusco looks into the attack on Dominic & Elias.
Person of Interest episode “B.S.O.D.” was filmed in New York in the United States of America.
Reese fights with several Samaritan operatives after they follow him into an alley.
The Uber car Reese jumped into drives down away from the Samaritan operatives.
Root is sitting at a street corner when she is sideswiped by a Samaritan vehicle.
Samaritan looses track of Root when she enters the subway.
Reese is attacked by a Samaritan operative while waiting for the ferry and he is saved by Finch.
Finch works on the Machine and ends up installing the memory erasing program.
Reese and Finch take shelter in a doorway to loose their Samaritan tail.
Root lures two Samaritan operatives into a warehouse that is used as the base of a Russian hacker she helped in the past.
Finch walks in the park with Grace and discusses his problem with the Machine.
Finch investigates the shooter's perch and finds a spend shell while Samaritan watches.
Reese runs outside the hideout and grabs a liquid nitrogen tank.