Movies Filmed at Eagle Rock Substation
8787 N Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90041, USAEagle Rock Substation was constructed in 1923 by Southern California Edison and is popular due to its Art Deco architecture and open interior.
Nearby Locations
Former Max Busch House
from Murder, She Wrote
and 10 other movies.
Rose Bowl Aquatics Center from Old School and 2 other movies.
141 North Grand Avenue from Columbo and 1 other movie.
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1.6 km
Rose Bowl Aquatics Center from Old School and 2 other movies.
1.8 km
141 North Grand Avenue from Columbo and 1 other movie.
1.8 km
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Captain Marvel
Training Room
Vers spars with Yon-Rogg and tries to get her to control her emotions and defeat him without her powers.
Judgment Day
Source: IMDb