
Movies Filmed at South Bend Pool

2000 Lakewood Ave SE, Atlanta, GA 30315, USA
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Stranger Things

Hawkins Community Pool

The ladies at the pool primp themselves up in preparation for Billy's shift as a lifeguard in episode 3x01 “Chapter One: Suzie, Do You Copy?”. Billy begins to act strangely during his shift and the other lifeguard Heather tries to figure out what is wrong in episode 3x02 “Chapter Two: The Mall Rats”.

Appears in 2 additional episodes.
Chapter Three: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard

Max and Eleven search for Billy at the pool and Eleven identifies Heather from her vision.

Chapter Four: The Sauna Test

Eleven, Max, Mike, Lucas, and Will watch Billy and come up with a plan to reveal his true nature.

Source: IMDb