2530 Piney Wood Lane as Wheeler House
Mike follows Will outside to apologize for ignoring his D&D game
Source: Stranger Things — Wikia
Max & Eleven search for Billy, Nancy pushes her case, Joyce returns to the lab, and Robin cracks the code.
Stranger Things episode “Chapter Three: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard” was filmed in Atlanta, Stone Mountain, & Lithonia in the United States of America.
Mike follows Will outside to apologize for ignoring his D&D game
Source: Stranger Things — Wikia
Max and Eleven search the house for Billy but only discover a bathtub full of ice bags and a bloody fanny pack.
Source: Stranger Things — Wikia
Nancy brings her story on the strange rats to the men in charge of the paper and is laughed out of the room.
Steve and Dustin search the mall for Russian spies while Robin works on cracking the secret code.
Source: Stranger Things — Wikia
Max and Eleven search for Billy at the pool and Eleven identifies Heather from her vision.
Source: IMDb
Joyce and Hopper break into the condemned lab to confirm it is empty and a mysterious individual attacks Hopper.
Source: IMDb