Church of St. Augustine & Belchite as Ixtenco
Fury and Hill investigate the destruction of a town in Mexico only to discover a mysterious hero already on the case.
Peter Parker just wants to have a normal class trip with his friends where he can confess his feelings for MJ but Spidey problems keep getting in the way.
See also: Homecoming & No Way Home.
Spider-Man: Far From Home was filmed in Venice in Italy, London in the United Kingdom, Prague in Czechia, New York in the United States of America, and in Spain.
Fury and Hill investigate the destruction of a town in Mexico only to discover a mysterious hero already on the case.
Peter appears as Spider-Man to support the charity that his Aunt May is running.
Peter gets stopped at customs and they discover his suit but only care about the fruit he was carrying.
Peter runs to catch up with the rest of the group after making it through customs.
The boat trip to their hotel takes the kids under the famous bridge which is later damaged in the elemental attack.
The boat takes the tour group to their hotel which is a bit more rundown than expected.
Source: MCU Location Scout
Peter watches his classmates having lots of touristy fun before heading off on his errand.
Mr. Harrington takes a timed selfie of himself before dropping his camera in the water.
People flee from a bridge as Mysterio flies towards them while running from the elemental.
Mr. Harrington takes several of the students to the museum only to find it closed.
Peter tries to stop a collapsing bell tower from killing anyone while the mysterious new hero fights the water monster in the square near where his classmates are hiding.
Source: Wikipedia
Fury gives Peter something that Tony left him while they head to the hidden S.H.I.E.L.D. facility.
The class trip is upgraded to a swanky new bus driven by Dimitri for their journey to Prague.
Peter desperately tries to stop the drone attack that he accidentally unleashed on Brad while his class drives through the mountains.
Mr. Harrington is super proud of himself when the group is shown to the upscale hotel where they will be staying for their time in Prague.
Mr. Harrington leads the kids to the opera house past partying people.
MJ asks Peter to sit with her at the opera but he has to come up with an excuse to leave.
Ned, Betty, and MJ all end up in the square during the festival just as the fire elemental attacks.
Hill and Fury race across town in their car towards the square.
Fury and Hill race across town to help.
Peter tries to work up the courage to confess his feelings to MJ but before he can she asks if he is Spider-Man.
Quentin Beck works with his team on the projections for the next attack and realizes that one of the drone's incriminating projectors is missing.
Peter hops on top of a train leaving Prague for Berlin.
Brad tries to call out all of the madness surrounding Peter and the trip when the class arrives in London but MJ is able to expertly shut him down.
Everyone is greeted by their parents as they arrive back in the States and Ned tells Peter that he and Betty broke up.
Source: Chicago Business Journal via Wikipedia
Peter picks MJ up for their date swinging over the city.
MJ swears she will never swing around the city with Peter again and then they both watch a news report on the attack in London.
Deleted Scene: Peter leaves the subway and runs to the post office.
Deleted Scene: Peter picks up his new passport from the post office.
Source: sophieplayle — Twitter via Screen Rant