
Don't Forget The Driver Filming Locations

Don't Forget The Driver was filmed in London in the United Kingdom and in France.

8 Shorecroft

Leanne's Home

Kayla checks in on her grandmother but finds the house empty in episode 1x01 “Dunkirk”. Peter tries to explain to his mother that it was her other son that ordered too many bed pads in episode 1x02 “The Donkey Sanctuary”.

Appears in 2 additional episodes.

Alison Scott from the health trust examines Leanne and tells Peter that her condition is degrading.

Hampton Court

Peter drives his coach to his mothers house where Kayla has brought Rita after finding their home broken into.

Bognor Regis Beach


Peter looks down at the strange thing on the beach but can't bring himself to approach it. Later, he spots the police surrounding the area in episode 1x01 “Dunkirk”. Peter has a dream that it was his own body that washed up on the beach in episode 1x02 “The Donkey Sanctuary”.

Bognor Pier Leisure

Bognor Pier

Kayla and Bradley sit on the edge of the pier chatting while watching the police down below in episode 1x01 “Dunkirk”. Rita eats an ice cream bar and watches a family playing down on the beach in episode 1x04 “Hampton Court”.

The Esplanade & Waterloo Square


Peter drives down the waterfront on his way to work early in the morning in episode 1x01 “Dunkirk”. Peter gets distracted at the intersection when he sees the stowaway and nearly gets into a fight with a much bigger man from the car behind him in episode 1x02 “The Donkey Sanctuary”.

9 Shorecroft

Parish's Home

Kayla heads to her grandmother's neighbor's house and finds them keeping an eye on her in episode 1x01 “Dunkirk”.

The Lamb Inn

The Lamb Inn

Squeaky Dave joins Fran and her son at the pub after work in episode 1x01 “Dunkirk”.

A1 Compusolve

A1 Compusolve

Rita takes her phone in to get it repaired so she can contact her brother in episode 1x04 “Hampton Court”.


French Supermarket

Peter and Squeaky Dave give their passengers a chance to take advantage of the french shops before heading back across to England in episode 1x01 “Dunkirk”.

Bognor Regis Town Hall

Bognor Regis Town Hall

Peter and Squeaky Dave pick up their passengers in the morning and drop them off in the evening in episode 1x01 “Dunkirk”.