Fernside as Gladden Fields
Smeagol and Deagol are fishing in the Anduin when Deagol finds The Ring and then Smeagol steals it.
Source: Location Guidebook
Aragorn and the others must defend Gondor from assault by Sauron's forces while Sam & Frodo sneak across Mordor to Mount Doom.
See also: The Fellowship of the Ring & The Two Towers.
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King was filmed in Wellington & Queenstown in New Zealand.
Smeagol and Deagol are fishing in the Anduin when Deagol finds The Ring and then Smeagol steals it.
Source: Location Guidebook
Frodo and Sam rest before traveling into Mordor at the start of the film. Exact location near Ohakune is unknown.
Source: Appendices - New Zealand as Middle-earth
This valley was heavily digitally altered and used as the basis of Isengard.
Source: Location Guidebook
The armies of Rohan return to the capital, where Aragorn tries to convince them to ride to the aid of Gondor.
Arwen is traveling to the Grey Havens when she has a vision of her future son with Aragorn. Exact location of filming is unknown.
Source: DVD Commentary - Production
Gandalf and Pippin ride over a hill and approach Minas Tirith after leaving Rohan.
Source: Location Guidebook
The forces of Mordor lay siege to the Gondor city of Minas Tirith. The set was constructed over the remains of the Helm's Deep set.
Sam, Frodo, and Gollum come upon a statue of a king that has been vandalized by orcs. Exact location is unknown.
One of the beacons leading from Minas Tirith to Edoras is lit along this mountain range. This was the only real beacon, the rest were computer generated. Location is approximate.
The armies of Rohan and Gondor battle against those of Mordor outside the gates of Minas Tirith.
Source: Location Guidebook
The Rohirrim gather at the Dunharrow and get ready to ride to Gondor's aid.
High camp at Dunharrow where the Rohirrim gather before riding to Gondor.
Source: Location Guidebook
Aragorn goes into Theoden's tent to meet with Elrond in the upper Dunharrow campsite.
Source: Location Guidebook
Valley that leads to the caverns beneath Dwinmorberg that Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli walk down to meet the Army of the Dead.
Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas emerge from the Paths of the Dead.
Source: Location Guidebook
Close up shots of the battle of Pelennor Fields were shot here, but most of it was in front of a blue screen and is unrecognizable.
Source: Location Guidebook
The armies of Gondor and Rohan stage a last stand against the forces of Mordor to buy some time for Frodo. Filmed in an military live fire area and probably should not be visited.
Source: DVD Appendices
Location on Mount Doom where Frodo collapses under the eye of Sauron.
Source: Appendices - New Zealand as Middle-earth
At the end of the film, the Hobbits return to Hobbiton and live out their days.