The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
A young, unassuming Hobbit is forced into a dangerous mission to destroy a powerful artifact while being hunted by the forces of evil.
A young, unassuming Hobbit is forced into a dangerous mission to destroy a powerful artifact while being hunted by the forces of evil.
Frodo and Sam are joined by Gollum in their quest to destroy the ring in Mordor. Meanwhile, Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas track down Merry & Pippin to save them from the orcs.
Aragorn and the others must defend Gondor from assault by Sauron's forces while Sam & Frodo sneak across Mordor to Mount Doom.
A Hobbit named Bilbo joins up with a gaggle of dwarves and they head off on an adventure.
The company travels through a sinister forest where they must escapes spiders and elves and rapids before they can continue on towards the Lonely Mountain.
Everyone fights a huge battle at the foot of the Lonely Mountain and Bilbo returns home.