Te Anau Downs Station as Wildlands
The company runs through a field of flowers and over a stream on their way out of the Misty Mountains.
Source: Production Guidebook
The company travels through a sinister forest where they must escapes spiders and elves and rapids before they can continue on towards the Lonely Mountain.
See also: An Unexpected Journey & The Battle of the Five Armies.
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug was filmed in Queenstown in New Zealand.
The company runs through a field of flowers and over a stream on their way out of the Misty Mountains.
Source: Production Guidebook
The dwarves run from a bear through the woods and across a field before escaping into Beorn's house.
Source: Appendices
The company runs from a large bear and take safe refuge inside the house of Beorn the shape changer.
Source: Production Video #5
The company rides over a hilltop on their way to Mirkwood after leaving Beorn's house.
Source: Location Guidebook
The Company enters Mirkwood through the Elven Gate and Gandalf rides off to the High Fells. Most of the scene was reshot in the studio, but some shots of the original location can still be seen.
Source: Appendices
More shots of the dwarves floating down the river in barrels. Filming was synchronized with dam releases.
Source: Rotorua Daily Post
Gandalf hikes up a hillside on his way to the High Fells.
Gandalf climbs a perilous staircase up to the tomb of The Nine.
Source: Production Guidebook
Gandalf talks to Radagast after confirming that The Nine had been freed.
After escaping the orc pursuit, the company leaves the river and takes a short rest on the shore where they are confronted by Bard.
Source: Production Video #5
Tauriel tracks the ocrs to the place where the Forest River flows into the Long Lake and is joined by Legolas.
Source: Production Guidebook
The company hikes across the desolate landscape left by Smaug.
The company searches for the location of the hidden door into the mountain which Bilbo eventually locates.
Source: Production Video #5