Carrer del Bisbe Josep Cartañà as Braavosi Street
Arya fights the Waif again briefly before being approached by Jaqen H'ghar.
Source: Winter Is Coming
Bran sees the past, the Wildlings come to Castle Black, Cersei misses her daughter’s funeral, and a funeral is performed on the Iron Isles.
Game of Thrones episode “Home” was filmed in Ballintoy & Antrim in the United Kingdom and Girona in Spain.
Arya fights the Waif again briefly before being approached by Jaqen H'ghar.
Source: Winter Is Coming
Bran comes outside to talk with Meera who is sitting outside thinking.
Source: Winter Is Coming
Home of the Nights Watch at the base of The Wall where Jon Snow travels. Photos of the set constructed in the disused quarry can be found here. One of the quarry walls was painted to look like ice, all of the buildings around the courtyard were built (including several interiors) as well as a working elevator.