Dry Dock 4 (Brooklyn Navy Yard) as Port Meeting
Zoe meets with a guy named Slip who sells her a gun and later she leads Mark Lawson to an ambush at the port.
Reese gets close to a powerful fixer who is targeted as part of a cleanup.
Person of Interest episode “The Fix” was filmed in New York in the United States of America.
Zoe meets with a guy named Slip who sells her a gun and later she leads Mark Lawson to an ambush at the port.
Reese follows Zoe to a party where she hands off the recovered sidearm to Lt. Gilmore.
Zoe buys the incriminating recording form the blogger Anthony Talbott.
Zoe hands over the recording only to have Samuel Douglas attempt to kill her.
Finch uses an investment to gain a tour of the Virtanen Pharmaceuticals building to help Zoe Morgan.
Reese tracks Zoe down using her cell phone and they share a drink while discussing the danger.
Zoe meets with Lt. Gilmore to arrange for the police to ignore any alarms at Virtanen.
Finch has breakfast with Robert Keller and tells the CEO that he will be destroying all of his wealth.