132 Vernon Avenue as McGrady Tenement (exterior)
Reese goes to check out the location of Travis McGrady's murder.
Reese helps out a young kid who is looking to avenge his brother's murder.
Person of Interest episode “Wolf and Cub” was filmed in New York in the United States of America.
Reese goes to check out the location of Travis McGrady's murder.
Reese searches the location of Travis McGrady's murder, and later Darren and Reese find the murder weapon in a chimney from the rooftop.
Reese gets into Carter's car and she tells him about Travis McGrady's murder.
Reese questions the waitress Lisa about the murder of Travis McGrady.
Reese follows a tip to the comic shop fun by Andre Wilcox, later Darren goes here to try and bring him down.
Darren pulls a gun on one of his brother's killers but is stopped by Reese.
Reese and Darren sit in a car while watching Curtis & Trim.
Source: Permit List
Reese drops Darren with Fusco at a group home.
Reese watches two gang members exchange an envelope of money near the basketball courts.
Will Ingram meets Finch at his cover office to talk about Nathan.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Fusco talks on the phone with Reese while watching Finch and Will Ingram.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Reese is watching Curtis when he gets a call about Darren leaving the group home.
Reese watches Curtis and Trim shake down a shop owner and then he steals their SUV.
Reese talks to Finch asking for a GPS trace and Darren questions him about it.
Reese and Darren follow the two gangsters and talk about Reese's past.
Two police officers walk up to the squad car only to find Trim unconscious in the back covered in alcohol.
Carter calls Reese to ask about Trim turning up in a police car.
Finch watches while Will Ingram meets with Alicia Corwin to learn about his father.
Source: Permit List
Andre meets with Captain Lynch to get his help with Darren.