
Movies Filmed at 132 Vernon Avenue

132 Vernon Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11206, USA
Nearby Locations
Willoughby Playground from Person of Interest
38 m

150 Vernon Avenue from Person of Interest
54 m

ReConnect Cafe from Person of Interest
55 m

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Person of Interest

Hidden Substation (exterior)

Root, Finch, and Reese go to a disguised electrical substation to download the Machine in episode 4x22 “YHWH”.

Watching Curtis & Trim

Reese is watching Curtis when he gets a call about Darren leaving the group home in episode 1x14 “Wolf and Cub”.

McGrady Tenement (exterior)

Reese goes to check out the location of Travis McGrady's murder in episode 1x14 “Wolf and Cub”.