630 Flushing Avenue as Real Time Crime Center
Carter and Fusco work in the FBI's operations center for the operation against Reese run by Agent Connolly.
Source: NYC Permits List
Reese and the latest number find themselves being pursued by both HR and the FBI while Alicia Corwin narrows in on Finch.
Person of Interest episode “Fire Wall” was filmed in New York in the United States of America.
Carter and Fusco work in the FBI's operations center for the operation against Reese run by Agent Connolly.
Source: NYC Permits List
Reese watches Caroline Turing leaving her apartment.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Reese sends Turing out through the tunnel and then fights off the HR goons.
Source: NYC Permits List
Reese watches Caroline Turing while she buys her morning coffee.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Caroline Turner enters the subway on her way to work.
Reese follows Caroline Turing to her office building.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Reese watches Caroline Turing from a nearby rooftop while she is with a patient.
Reese plants a bug in Caroline Turing's office while visiting as a patient.
Fusco meets with HR and is briefed on their plan to kill Caroline Turing.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Finch talks on the phone with Reese while watching Simmons brief his HR hit squad.
Alicia Corwin follows Finch to the library.
Reese watches Caroline Turing eat lunch at a cafe and then talks with Zoe Morgan.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Simmons gives instructions to his HR goons before getting into his car.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Reese protects Caroline Turing from the HR hit squad.
Reese escorts Caroline Turing away after escaping the HR hit squad.
Reese takes Caroline Turing to a hotel to keep her safe from HR.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Zoe talks to Caroline Turing's patient outside a bar and finds him to be a fraud.
Finch hacks into the cell network and disables the HR and FBI communications.
Finch waits for Caroline Turing to emerge when he is visited by Alicia Corwin.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Carter, Fusco, and Reese follow the fleeing HR goons down the street.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Reese detonates the bomb he placed in the HR car.
Reese gets a call from Zoe telling him about Caroline Turing's fake identity.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Simmons walks across the street after evading suspicion.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Reese returns to this same security camera after Finch is kidnapped.