
Movies Filmed at 630 Flushing Avenue

630 Flushing Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11206, USA

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Super Crown Fried Chicken from Person of Interest
414 m

Mike's Pizza from Person of Interest
458 m

Tompkins Liquors from Person of Interest
493 m

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Person of Interest

Stock Exchange (elevator)

The team heads into the basement server farm at the stock exchange which turns into a Samaritan ambush in episode 4x11 “If-Then-Else”. Control examines the elevator room and finds evidence of a coverup in episode 4x12 “Control-Alt-Delete”.

Real Time Crime Center

Carter and Fusco work in the FBI's operations center for the operation against Reese run by Agent Connolly in episode 1x23 “Fire Wall”.

Decima Operations Room

Greer runs the Decima operations from an empty floor in an office building in episode 3x17 “/”.

Detroit Warehouse

Reese, Root, and Finch take Control to a warehouse and interrogate her about Shaw in episode 4x12 “Control-Alt-Delete”.


Control returns to her operations center to deal with a new threat in episode 4x12 “Control-Alt-Delete”.

CIA Blacksite

Shaw escorts Root to a mobile blacksite where Root makes contact with Jason Greenfield in episode 3x06 “Mors Praematura”.