
“Polyphony” Filming Locations

A chase in San Francisco, a protest in Mumbai, a riot in Nairobi, and a fight in Seoul.

Sense8 episode “Polyphony” was filmed in San Francisco in the United States of America, Amsterdam in the Netherlands, Mumbai in India, Nairobi in Kenya, and Seoul in South Korea.

BG 3 (UvA) as Rijksmuseum (exterior) [Amsterdam]

Will exits through an employee door and is soon joined by Riley as more police arrive outside.

Gallery Maskara as Art Gallery [Mumbai]

Kala and Rajan go out to an art show where Kala meets Ajay and then sees Wolfgang in the bathroom.

City Lights Bookstore as City Lights Bookstore [San Francisco]

Amanita works a reading by two of her and Nomi's favorite authors and then she sees Agent Bendix waiting for her outside.

Babulnath Temple as Temple [Mumbai]

Kala returns to the temple for the first time after the attack on her father-in-law and finds large amounts of security and a protest against her family.

Oricon House as Kala & Rajan's Home [Mumbai]

Kala arrives home accompanied by a new security guard and learns about the death threats against her family.