“Bridge and Tunnel Vision” Filming Locations
Conviction episode “Bridge and Tunnel Vision” was filmed in Toronto in Canada and New York in the United States of America.
Hillside Gardens (High Park) as Prospect Park
Maxine and Frankie attempt to reenact the night of the attack to figure out the timeline.
New York Public Library as New York Public Library
Hayes talks to Zadie Daniels, the victim of the Prospect Park Three, at the library where she works.
Bay Adelaide Centre West as Zadie Daniels's Work
Maxine starts outside Zadie Daniels's office in their recreation of the night of the attack.
High Park Boulevard & Parkside Drive as Prospect Park Entrance
Maxine continues to follow Zadie Daniels's route home.
Trinity Square as Press Conference
Wallace gives a press conference announcing the investigation into the Prospect Park Three case.
Bryant Park as Bryant Park
Sam and Maxine talk with Zadie Daniels's former coworker who left with her the night of the attack.
The Chase as Fundraiser
Hayes attends another one of her mother's fundraisers and learns that Wallace send her mother to spy on her.
The Chase as Restaurant
Sam meets his reporter friend Lisa Crozier to say he wont give her info on Hayes.