Buntzen Lake
Buntzen Lake, Anmore, BC, CanadaA large natural lake just to the north of the town of Anmore. Only the south end of the lake is accessible for vehicles but there are extensive hiking trails all around the perimeter.
Nearby Locations
Indian Arm, Burrard Inlet
from Battlestar Galactica
Buntzen Powerhouse #2 from Psych
Sasamat Lake from Jennifer's Body and 7 other movies.
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2.6 km
Buntzen Powerhouse #2 from Psych
2.8 km
Sasamat Lake from Jennifer's Body and 7 other movies.
3.9 km
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Filmed in Buntzen Lake
The Exorcist
The Bay
Marcus finds Peter working on his boat and asks about strange violence on the island in episode 2x05 “There But for the Grace of God, Go I”.