Game of Thrones
Winterfell Godswood
Catelyn Stark visits the Godswood at Winterfell in episode 1x01 “Winter Is Coming”. Sansa is married to Ramsey in episode 5x06 “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken”. Sansa is approached by Littlefinger as she sits sitting by the tree in episode 6x10 “The Winds of Winter”.
Appears in 8 additional episodes.
The Queen's Justice
Sansa and Bran share a moment alone in the wood and Bran tells her about his new status as the Three-Eyed Raven.
The Spoils of War
Sansa takes Arya to the wood to reunite with Bran and he shows that he knows what Arya has been doing.
Bran rides with a murder of crows to spy north of the wall.
The Dragon and the Wolf
Bran sits by the tree and watches as the army of the dead attacks the wall.
Arya finds Jon standing in the Godswood and they are finally reunited.
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
Jaime approaches Bran to apologize but learns that Bran is no more, only the Three Eyed Raven remains.
The Long Night
Bran takes shelter in the center of the Godswood defended by Theon and his Ironborn.
The Last Of The Starks
Jon meets his remaining family who ask him to put the family first, not Dany.
Source: Winter is Coming