
Movies Filmed at West 39th Street (between 10th & 11th)

548-556 West 39th Street, New York, NY 10018, USA
Nearby Locations
Goodyear Tire & Auto Center from Jessica Jones
48 m

West 38th Street (between 10th & 11th) from Jessica Jones
81 m

Affirmation Arts from Jessica Jones
135 m

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Jessica Jones

Bus Crash

Jessica remembers the bus crash where Kilgrave was injured, and returns to the scene to investigate in episode 1x02 “AKA Crush Syndrome”. Jessica has a flashback of Reva after seeing her picture in Luke's place and later remembers the whole sordid incident after hearing Kilgrave's voice in episode 1x03 “AKA It's Called Whiskey”.

Appears in 2 additional episodes.
AKA You're a Winner!

Jessica remembers leaving the warehouse with the box from the ground and killing Reva on Kilgrave's order.

AKA Sin Bin

Jessica remembers being able to resist Kilgrave's control.