
Movies Filmed at Cartems Donuterie

2190 Main St, Vancouver, BC V5T 3C5, Canada
Nearby Locations
Ashnola Apartments from Stargate SG-1
15 m

The Whip Restaurant & Gallery from Charmed
25 m

East 6th Avenue (between Main & Scotia) from Eureka and 1 other movie.
59 m

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Maddie heads to a coffee shop and ends up chatting with Patrick in episode 1x01 “My So-Called Wife”. Maddie flirts with Patrick at the coffee shop again before being seen by Max in episode 1x02 “My Balls, Dickhead”.

Appears in 2 additional episodes.
The Maddie Code

The trio watches Maddie at the coffee shop as she meets with Patrick and his sister.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Doctor Is In

Patrick arranges to meet with Jules at the coffee shop so she can sign the agreement.