Segal Graduate School of Business (SFU) as American Pacific Bank & Trust
Maddie interviews for and starts her new job with her mark Gary Heller.
Imposters episode “My Balls, Dickhead” was filmed in Vancouver, Coquitlam, Surrey, North Vancouver, & West Vancouver in Canada.
Maddie interviews for and starts her new job with her mark Gary Heller.
Richie and Ezra park their car and walk to the spy shop. Later Richie returns to his car after acquiring the information to find Ezra waiting for him.
Ezra and Richie hold a yard sale to raise money to pay off the guy at the spy shop.
Sally takes a job as Gary Heller's housekeeper so she can search his house.
Maddie flirts with Patrick at the coffee shop again before being seen by Max.
Ezra buys a few books on short cons.
Richie and Ezra discuss the rules for their cons and attempt to con an asshole.
Sally tells Maddie about someone she was involved with during a former con.
Ezra and Richie practice their lifting on one another.
Ezra and Richie attempt to steal the wallet of an asshole at a roadside diner with less than successful results.
Ezra and Richie head to the apartment where they believe Maddie lives.
Ezra and Richie knock on the door of the apartment where they think Maddie lives only to find another person she conned living there.