
Movies Filmed at Toronto City Hall

Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen St W, Toronto, ON M5G 1P5, Canada

Toronto City Hall is a modernist building designed by Viljo Revell and engineered by Hannskarl Bandel which opened in 1965 to replace the nearby Old City Hall.

Nearby Locations
Elizabeth Street (between Foster & Hager… from Nikita and 1 other movie.
101 m

Downtown Diversity Garden from The Handmaid's Tale
112 m

Nathan Phillips Square from Room and 1 other movie.
124 m

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The Expanse

The U.N. Building

Chrisjen is heading to her transport when communications are jammed and her transport is destroyed. Later she meets with Cotyar to recruit him into her service in episode 2x01 “Safe”.

Transport Union Headquarters

Appears in “Babylon's Ashes”.