Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Blake shows Roman around the town and they discuss wine pairings in episode 3x06 “Adoring Suspect”.
Palau Nacional was constructed for the 1929 International Exhibition and currently houses Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, the National Art Museum of Catalonia. The building was designed by architects Eugenio Cendoya and Enric Catà in a Spanish Renaissance style. An extensive renovation and expansion of the building occurred between 1990 and 2004 adding an additional 15,300 square meters to the building to house the museum's extensive collection.
Blake shows Roman around the town and they discuss wine pairings in episode 3x06 “Adoring Suspect”.
Appears in “Dude, I'm Such a Hot Giant Chick Right Now!” & “Say Your Deepest Prayers Ever”.
Source: IMDb
Henry jumps to Barcelona and takes off her jacket for the warm weather in episode 2x10 “Making Amends”.