Movies Filmed at Norma Rose Point School
2896 Acadia Road University Endowment Lands, British Columbia, V6T 1S2, CanadaFormerly University Hill Secondary School. Has been extensively remodeled.
Nearby Locations
Alpha Delta Phi
from Insecurbia
University Chapel from Feint
Thunderbird Winter Sports Centre from Psych and 1 other movie.
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465 m
University Chapel from Feint
575 m
Thunderbird Winter Sports Centre from Psych and 1 other movie.
614 m
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The Magicians
Welters Gym
The Physical Kids participate in a game of Welters which Quentin wins with an impressive spell in episode 1x05 “Mendings, Major and Minor”.
Motherland: Fort Salem
Fort Salem (gymnasium)
Raelle fights with Abigail after reading the letters from her mother in episode 1x01 “Say the Words”.