Batman Begins Filming Locations
The first in Christopher Nolan's reboot of the Batman franchise. This gritty film depicts how Bruce Wayne became the Batman and vowed to clean up Gotham City.
See also: The Dark Knight & The Dark Knight Rises.
Batman Begins was filmed in London in the United Kingdom, Chicago in the United States of America, and in Iceland.
Svinafellsjokulsvegur (Vatnajökull) as Bruce Dropped Off
Bruce Wayne is dropped off by the side of the road and begins to walk towards a Tibetan glacier.
Senate House (University of London) as Gotham City Court House
Used as the interior of the court house where Chill is gunned down.
Farmiloe Building as Shanghai Warehouse
The warehouse where Bruce Wayne was arrested was filmed here.
Farmiloe Building as Gotham City Police Station
Interior scenes of the police station were filmed here.
235 West Lake Street as Gotham City Police Station Rooftop
After first being approached by Batman, Gordon chases him to the roof of the police station.
ExCel London Event Hall as Warehouse
Wayne Enterprises' bright, empty warehouse where Bruce Wayne first tests the Tumbler.
Plateau Restaurant as Hotel Restaurant
The interior of the hotel restaurant where Bruce Wayne brings two European ladies who play in the water fountain.
Franklin Street Bridge as Bridge to the Narrows
This is used as the bridge to the narrows throughout the movie and is the one Bruce Wayne jumps in the Tumbler.
Former MRC National Institute for Medical Research as Arkham Asylum
Exterior shots of Arkham Asylum.
Abbey Mills Pumping Station as Arkham Asylum Laboratory
Where Dr Crane manufacturers his hallucinogen.
St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel London as Arkham Asylum
The staircase where Batman escapes the SWAT team using bats was filmed in St Pancras Chambers at St Pancras Station.
Parking Garage (at 200 West Randolph) as Parking Garage
Batman drives the Tumbler up this parking garage to escape the police.
Amstutz Expressway as Freeway
The police chase Batman down this street before he disappears into the bat cave.