Calle Río Balsas 37 as Lito's Condo [Mexico City]
Lito and Hernando spend the morning talking with Dani.
Sense8 episode “Smart Money's on the Skinny Bitch” was filmed in Mexico City in Mexico, London in the United Kingdom, Seoul in South Korea, Chicago in the United States of America, and Mumbai in India.
Lito and Hernando spend the morning talking with Dani.
Riley leaves the stolen money with a pianist in the subway and drops the drugs into a trash can.
Sun reviews the financial documents and attempts to get a meeting with her father but is thwarted.
Suns Visits with Will while he is going over case files.
Riley waits for her friends outside a record store and asks them for a place to stay.
Kala attends a meeting about fake drugs.
Source: Credits
Lito films a scene of his movie out front of a church.
Sun gets out of her car while it is stuck in a jam and heads to the fight club.