East 60th Street & Park Avenue as Finch Crossing Street
Finch crosses the street while walking Bear.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
The team seeks to protect a data broker whose life is being torn apart by those his company has hurt.
Person of Interest episode “Nothing to Hide” was filmed in New York in the United States of America.
Finch crosses the street while walking Bear.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Shaw follows Finch while he is out walking Bear.
Reese watches Wayne Kruger enter his company's offices and Shaw rides up in the elevator with him.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Shaw poses as an employee of the data mining company in order to keep an eye on Wayne Kruger.
Carter talks on the phone in the parking lot while waiting for her new partner.
Reese and Shaw watch Wayne Kruger at his anniversary party where an incriminating video is played.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Carter pulls over Karen Mills and asks her about playing the video at the anniversary party.
Reese follows Wayne Kruger down into the garage but Kruger manages to get away in his car.
Source: NYC Permits List
Carter arrives at a crime scene with her new partner who vomits after seeing the dead body.
Reese follows Wayne Kruger's SUV which he loses control of.
Wayne Kruger's SUV crashes while Reese is following him.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Wayne Kruger goes to confront Stu Sommers and ends up getting killed by Peter Collier.
Source: Person of Interest — Wikia
Shaw, Finch, and Reese talk about Peter Collier.