700 Vernon Drive as Carly's House
Marcy stops by at Carly's request to check on her kid.
A mission to stop a dangerous flu epidemic goes horribly wrong.
Travelers episode “Jenny” was filmed in Vancouver, Britannia Beach, & Maple Ridge in Canada.
Marcy stops by at Carly's request to check on her kid.
Trevor and Philip meet two other Travelers to pick up the anti-viral for the team.
A Traveler in Shanghai doses one of the targets with the anti-viral.
A Traveler in Berlin doses a fellow runner with the anti-viral.
Philip slips the anti-viral into a water bottle at the gym.
Carly and Trevor are stopped a police checkpoint and warned about the virus on their way out to the RV.
Grant takes a call from his partner while driving to the hospital.
Grant tells Ward that he will have to wait until after Grant takes care of his team.
Walt gathers a group of National Guard soldiers in front of the Quantum Frame.