Treowen Manor as England, 1842
A young Simeon creates a snowman and hears the voice of the Great Intelligence for the first time.
Source: The Doctor Who Locations Guide
Doctor Who special “The Snowmen” was filmed in Cardiff, Bristol, & Newport in the United Kingdom.
A young Simeon creates a snowman and hears the voice of the Great Intelligence for the first time.
Source: The Doctor Who Locations Guide
Clara follows the Doctor and sees him climbing a ladder into the sky.
Source: The Doctor Who Locations Guide
Clara chases after the Doctor's carriage after first meeting him outside her pub.
Source: The Doctor Who Locations Guide
Dr. Simeon studies and collects samples for the Great Intelligence.
Source: The Doctor Who Locations Guide
Clara is telling the children a story when they are attacked by the Ice Governess and flee into another room.
Source: The Doctor Who Locations Guide
Clara wakes up and realizes today is the day she returns to her governess job.
Source: The Doctor Who Locations Guide
Dr. Simeon's men collect samples from the snowmen in the street.
Source: The Doctor Who Locations Guide
The Doctor realizes the truth of Clara after her funeral, then we see a present day Clara with her friend walking through the cemetery.
Source: The Doctor Who Locations Guide
Dr. Simeon collects snow samples for sphere of snow.
Source: The Doctor Who Locations Guide
After falling from the TARDIS, Clara is laid in the lounge where she dies.
Source: The Doctor Who Locations Guide
Clara is working as a governess for two children when the Ice Governess emerges.
Source: The Doctor Who Locations Guide